Online Bill Pay

Before you pay using any method, please be sure to look closely at your bill, so payment is directed to the correct group. Have your bill handy so that you can reference your account number.

Cincinnati GI bills

If your bill is GREEN and says “CINCINNATI GI” at the top left, it is for services provided by our physicians group.
Click to see sample bill.

Anderson Endoscopy Center bills

If your bill is BLUE and says “Anderson Endoscopy Center” at the top left, it is for services provided at our Anderson Endoscopy Center.
Click to see sample bill.

Conditions We Treat

From heartburn and IBS to liver problems and preventing colon cancer, our physicians have the expertise to help.


Whether it’s a simple diagnostic test or a complex surgical procedure, Cincinnati GI has the capability to treat nearly all GI issues.

Meet Our Physicians

Meet the Cincinnati GI medical team, ready to help diagnose and treat your condition.