Search results for: "microbiome"

A GI Gift for the Holidays: 5 Easy Ways Not to Overdo It

Here’s one way to get to the other end of the holidays without your belly feeling bloated and overwhelmed: Think of your gastrointestinal system as a stocking. Then ask, “Should I fill it with the things it really wants, or with a lot of stuff it wasn’t asking for?” [...]

Probiotic Gut Check: 3 Myths and 3 Facts

Four million people may not all be correct when it comes to probiotics, but at least they are cultured. Every year, an estimated 4 million people spend $40 billion on probiotics, expecting that this combination of beneficial (good) bacteria and/or yeast will solve a range of gastrointestinal issues. And it’s [...]

Conditions We Treat

From heartburn and IBS to liver problems and preventing colon cancer, our physicians have the expertise to help.


Whether it’s a simple diagnostic test or a complex surgical procedure, Cincinnati GI has the capability to treat nearly all GI issues.

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Meet the Cincinnati GI medical team, ready to help diagnose and treat your condition.

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