Celiac, Sensitivity, or Allergy? Digesting How Wheat Affects Us


If you think you are suffering the symptoms of celiac disease and have given all gluten the shaft, it may be time for a sensitivity check. Celiac disease, which affects one in 100 people, is an autoimmune disorder triggered by gluten, a protein compound found in wheat, barley, and rye. Some people who experience [...]

Celiac, Sensitivity, or Allergy? Digesting How Wheat Affects Us2024-03-20T11:21:55-04:00

4 Ways To Fill Up Your Water Intake


Call it a simple by-product of science, but what we take in as liquids determines what comes out as solids. That is why water is so important for the gastrointestinal (GI) system. As much as 60% of adult bodies are made of water. And as it courses through your body, water breaks down foods and [...]

4 Ways To Fill Up Your Water Intake2024-03-20T11:22:02-04:00

A GI Gift for the Holidays: 5 Easy Ways Not to Overdo It


Here’s one way to get to the other end of the holidays without your belly feeling bloated and overwhelmed: Think of your gastrointestinal system as a stocking. Then ask, “Should I fill it with the things it really wants, or with a lot of stuff it wasn’t asking for?” There’s a reason so many [...]

A GI Gift for the Holidays: 5 Easy Ways Not to Overdo It2024-03-20T11:22:14-04:00

Probiotic Gut Check: 3 Myths and 3 Facts


Four million people may not all be correct when it comes to probiotics, but at least they are cultured. Every year, an estimated 4 million people spend $40 billion on probiotics, expecting that this combination of beneficial (good) bacteria and/or yeast will solve a range of gastrointestinal issues. And it’s true, if the bacteria are [...]

Probiotic Gut Check: 3 Myths and 3 Facts2024-03-20T11:22:25-04:00
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