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Cincinnati GI Patient Newsletter – March 2025
March 2025 Don’t put off your colonoscopy. Here’s why. Colorectal cancer (also called colon cancer) is largely preventable, treatable and beatable. Here are the facts: Colorectal cancer is the [...]
5 Leading Causes of Blood In Stool, and Treatment Pathways
5 Leading Causes of Blood In Stool, and Treatment Pathways By: Lambros Michailidis, M.D. You’ve likely noticed remnants of what you’ve eaten before hitting the handle on the toilet [...]
Can’t Do No. 2? Try These Natural Remedies for Constipation
Not everyone has stool softeners on hand, or wants to take them for days. If you frequently find it hard to go, these natural remedies for constipation will help. By: [...]
Resolve to Improve Your Gut Health in 2025
If you’ve resolved to lose weight or get more cardio in 2025, consider improving your gut health first. Thanks to the “gut-brain axis,” it can take care of the rest.By: [...]
Enjoying the Holidays with IBS, IBD: 6 Tips
By: Lambros Michailidis, M.D. If all you want for the holidays is a cure for your delicate digestive system, pull a chair up to the table. We’ve got recipes [...]
Thanksgiving and GERD: Tips for Before, During, and After the Meal
By: Gregory Lam, D.O.After the cocktails, after the appetizers, after the turkey, potatoes, and all of those sides. And, finally, after the pie (three kinds) – this is when many [...]
Cincinnati GI Patient Newsletter – November 2024
November 2024 Ohhhh…Thanksgiving Bloat A bloated belly is no surprise after the turkey, stuffing, potatoes, and pie that signify Thanksgiving. Bloating occurs when gas, liquid, or digested food causes [...]
Your First Colonoscopy: What to Expect
By: Ganesh Kakarlapudi, M.D. So, you’re soon going to turn 45; a good year to cross several items off your bucket list: see the Grand Canyon, run half a [...]
The Story Behind the Gas: What Causes Bloat and What To Do
By: Said Nabhan, M.D. Lots of people loosen their belt after a large meal. Should you worry if you have to loosen it on an empty stomach? Abdominal bloat, [...]
What Does Soccer Have to Do with The GI Tract?
Well, nothing really, unless you’re a player who’s dehydrated after a long game or practice. But that’s not likely the case for these young players. The real connection is [...]
I Have Trouble Swallowing. What Can I Do?
By: Lambros Michailidis, M.D. You might have heard of food going down the “wrong pipe.” But what should you do if your food struggles going down the right pipe? [...]
Is Gluten-Free Right for Me?
By: Said Nabhan, M.D. If gluten were a character in a story, what role do you think it would play? To many, it would be the guy who’s always [...]
Cincinnati GI Patient Newsletter – July 2024
July 2024 Find Relief for Chronic Constipation If you’re chronically constipated (stools are hard and difficult-to-pass for several months or more), something is interfering with your digestion. Possible causes [...]
Unbalanced Gut Microbiome Can Contribute to 7 Health Conditions
By: Lambros Michailidis M.D. There are roughly 1,000 different species of bacteria living in your gut – trillions in all – and they’re staying for dinner. What do you [...]
Chronic Constipation – The Signs, Causes, and Treatments
By: Gregory Lam, D.O. There are certain movements you should aim to have at least three times a week. Exercising is one of them; bowel movements are another. But [...]
Cincinnati GI Launches Digital Pathology Solution to Speed Patient Care
Cincinnati (May 23, 2024) – Cincinnati GI, a specialty physician group focused on diagnosing and treating conditions and diseases of the digestive tract, is among the first practices in [...]
Foods that Trigger Acid Reflux, and Foods that Can Prevent It
By Said Nabhan, MDWhat does everyone with acid reflux have in common? The same as everyone without it: A love of eating certain foods.The difference is that for people with [...]
March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month – 6 Prevention Tips
By: Said Nabhan, M.D. Colon cancer is one of the most preventable forms of cancer, thanks to colonoscopies, which can detect and remove small growths, called polyps, before they [...]
Cincinnati GI Patient Newsletter – March 2024
March 2024 Delaying Your Colonoscopy? Why You Shouldn’t. You might think you have plenty of time to schedule a colonoscopy, but waiting can be costly. The five-year survival rate [...]
Why Do I Have Problems Swallowing?
By: Gregory Lam, D.O. Here’s a pop quiz question anyone should get: What automatic act does your body make that requires your brain, several nerves, a few muscles, and [...]
4 Ways a Plant-Based Diet Can Improve Your Gut Health
By: Said Nabhan, M.D. If you feel like your three square meals are making actual squares in your gut, it might be time to add a round of greens. [...]
Get Your Best Wellness On for 2024, Starting Now
So what’s it going to be for you next year? Keto? Pilates? Dry January? Each year around this time, millions of people vow to start living in healthier ways, [...]
Cincinnati GI Patient Newsletter – December 2023
December 2023 Raising Awareness About Abdominal Pain That Won’t Go Away The first week of December is National Crohn’s and Colitis Week. The goal is to raise awareness about [...]
Cincinnati GI Earns Spot on Newsweek’s America’s Best Ambulatory Surgery Centers List for 4th Consecutive Year
Cincinnati (October 23, 2023) – The Anderson Endoscopy Center, owned and operated by Cincinnati GI, was recognized on Newsweek's list of America's Best Ambulatory Surgery Centers 2024 for the [...]
How ‘Regular’ Are You? 5 Exercises to Rate Your Gut Health
Forget about remembering what you had for dinner last night. The more important question is: Do you have any idea where that dinner is now? It’s a wonder that [...]
Endoscopies: The Types, Their Purposes, and What To Expect
By Said Nabhan, MD There are many ways a doctor can see your insides. However, when it comes to your digestion, only one procedure can see the full journey [...]
Acid Reflux Can Become Serious: The Warning Signs
By Gregory Lam, DO It’s one thing if the meals you eat give you a sour feeling. It’s a red flag if they’re also hard to swallow. Gastroesophageal reflux [...]
Cincinnati GI Patient Newsletter – May 2023
May 2023 May is National Digestive Diseases Awareness Month There are many good reasons to pay attention to your gut. A healthy gut keeps your brain and heart in [...]
How a Low-Carb Diet Alters Your Gut Microbiome
Right now in the U.S., millions of microbiomes are searching hard for one essential ingredient: carbs. Carbohydrates, the sugar molecules found in starches, fiber, and sugars, have been reduced [...]
More People are Developing Colorectal Cancer Younger. Why?
By Dr. Said Nabhan It can take a harmless piece of intestinal tissue as long as 10 years to grow into a life-threatening form of cancer. Yet for a [...]
Cincinnati GI Patient Newsletter – March 2023
March 2023 March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month You might think you have plenty of time to schedule a colonoscopy, but this is what time can cost: The five-year [...]
What Does the Gallbladder Do (Besides Make Stones)?
The gallbladder may be the least understood of all your body parts, but it sure knows how to make itself known. Exhibit A: Those galling stones. This painful ailment, [...]
Resolving to Eat Healthier in 2023? Listen to Your Gut
By Dr. Said Nabhan - To the rejoicing of guts everywhere, 2023 might not be the year of the glazed bacon doughnut. Half of the U.S. population has resolved [...]
CGI first in region with AI technology
In early November, Cincinnati GI performed its first artificial intelligence-assisted colonoscopies using Medtronic's GI Genius module, making it the only endoscopy center in the greater Cincinnati area offering the technology. [...]
Why We’re Grateful for 2022
By Greg Schooler, Chief Operating Officer As we close another calendar year, I’m reflecting on the past 12 months and all that we – and our patients – have [...]
Cincinnati GI Patient Newsletter – December 2022
December 2022 Your Diet Affects More Than Just Your GI System You already know that what you eat affects your gut. Now comes a study that suggests your diet [...]
Do Not Skip Your Colonoscopy: Here’s Why
By Dr. Gregory Lam - If you had the opportunity to improve your chances of living without cancer, would you take that opportunity? A recent study in the New [...]
CGI Uses Artificial Intelligence-Enhanced Colonoscopy Screenings
Cincinnati, Ohio (November 4, 2022) – Cincinnati GI has performed its first colonoscopies using artificial intelligence (AI) to aid in the detection of polyps and lesions. Cincinnati GI's Anderson [...]
Cincinnati GI is Highest Ranked Endoscopy Ambulatory Surgery Center in Ohio on Newsweek’s 2023 List
Cincinnati, Ohio (October 27, 2022) – For the third consecutive year, The Anderson Endoscopy Center, owned and operated by Cincinnati GI, has been recognizedon Newsweek’s list of America’s Best [...]
Cincinnati GI Patient Newsletter – October 2022
October 2022 5 Tips to Eat More Plants – Your Gut Will Thank You It’s not just a fad. Research shows that boosting the number of plant-based foods in [...]
Exercise Can Improve Your Gut Health
By Dr. Said Nabhan - Little things can add up to a lot when it comes to wellness. So it shouldn’t be surprising that when we exercise for better [...]
5 Tips to Eat More Plants – Your Gut Will Thank You
By Dr. Ganesh Kakarlapudi - When it comes to your health, a hill of beans is worth more than you might think. It might add up to seven Super [...]
It’s Not Too Early to Think About Colon Cancer Prevention
Few diseases can be as regrettable as colorectal cancers. Nearly 53,000 people are expected to die from the diseases in 2022. Yet one 30-minute screening and a day of [...]
Behind Bowel Issues, From Diarrhea to Constipation
Your body is amazing at letting you know when something isn’t going right. Hunger reminds you to get nourishment. Pain warns you to avoid certain activities so your body can [...]
Health Insurance Terms Explained: Clearing Up Common Confusion
If you have trouble understanding the ins and outs of your insurance plan’s deductible, you probably don’t want to ask the person sitting next to you – because it [...]
They Found Polyps in My Colon. Should I be concerned?
There are more than 37 trillion cells in the human body, and each one divides regularly in order to grow. With numbers this high, some abnormalities can be expected. [...]
Cincinnati GI Patient Newsletter – June 2022
June 2022 4 Ways To Fill Up On Water This Summer Drinking plenty of water is always sound advice, but in the summer, it’s even more critical to our body’s [...]
Living With IBS: 6 Helpful Tips
By Dr. Said Nabhan - If you want to know what it’s like to live with irritable bowel syndrome, here is an example. You’re just finishing up lunch with some [...]
Becker’s GI & Endoscopy
Cincinnati GI's Anderson Center now serves more than 10,000 patients annually with outpatient procedures like colonoscopies.
CGI surpasses 10,000 patients in a single year in Anderson center
Cincinnati GI is celebrating the fifth anniversary of the opening of our award-winning ambulatory surgery center, Anderson Endoscopy in Cincinnati, Ohio, and another significant company milestone – treating more than [...]
Treatments for GERD When Medication Isn’t Enough
Most people have had that “heart in the throat” feeling, but did you know that a small percentage of the population also experiences, literally, stomach in the throat? This [...]
Burping, Bloating, Blood – When to See a Gastroenterologist
Everybody burps. Everybody bloats. But if you or someone you know does so chronically, then it’s no longer an every-body issue. Persistent bloating, burping, trouble swallowing, weight loss – these [...]
Cincinnati GI Ranks Among Top 20 of Greater Cincinnati’s Largest Physician Groups
The Cincinnati Business Courier has released its annual list of Greater Cincinnati’s Largest Physician Groups, and Cincinnati GI landed in the 20th spot, up five spots from being number 25 [...]
Celiac, Sensitivity, or Allergy? Digesting How Wheat Affects Us
If you think you are suffering the symptoms of celiac disease and have given all gluten the shaft, it may be time for a sensitivity check. Celiac disease, which [...]
4 Ways To Fill Up Your Water Intake
Call it a simple by-product of science, but what we take in as liquids determines what comes out as solids. That is why water is so important for the gastrointestinal [...]
Cincinnati GI Patient Newsletter – January 2022
January 2022 Happy New Year: Get Your Gut in Check This Year If you have health-related New Year’s resolutions on your list, be sure a ‘gut check’ is one of [...]
A GI Gift for the Holidays: 5 Easy Ways Not to Overdo It
Here’s one way to get to the other end of the holidays without your belly feeling bloated and overwhelmed: Think of your gastrointestinal system as a stocking. Then ask, [...]
Probiotic Gut Check: 3 Myths and 3 Facts
Four million people may not all be correct when it comes to probiotics, but at least they are cultured. Every year, an estimated 4 million people spend $40 billion on [...]
Business Courier: CGI Business Spotlight
Cincinnati GI is honored to be recognized as the only endoscopy center in the state of Ohio to appear on the Newsweek/Statistica list of America's Best Ambulatory Surgery Centers for [...]
Newsweek Ranks Cincinnati GI #1 Among Cincinnati-based Ambulatory Surgery Centers
The Anderson Endoscopy Center, owned and operated by Cincinnati GI, has been awarded on Newsweek’s list of America’s Best Ambulatory Surgery Centers 2022. CGI's center was the highest ranking ASC [...]
Food Getting Stuck? 5 Reasons to Take it Seriously
“Oh, it’s nothing,” many people may think when a bite of food gets stuck in their throats. But if food is sticking in there frequently, they may have something [...]
There’s Blood in My Stool. Should I Panic?
Maybe it’s instinct. Maybe it’s something we learn as kids. Somehow, many people tend to glance at their bowel movements before pushing the flusher. And for most people, it’s [...]
What is the Gut Microbiome and Why Does it Matter to Me?
Many people rely on their gut reactions when it comes to making important decisions. But when it comes to how certain foods and medicines react in our guts, a measure [...]
Is it GERD or Heartburn? 6 Signs and When to See a Doctor
By Dr. Said Nabhan - If your afternoons increasingly feel like a recurring series of “Revenge of the Lunch,” the cause might not be something that was inside the meal; [...]
Colonoscopy vs. Cologuard: The Differences
By Dr. Gregory Lam - Screening for colon cancer can be lifesaving, so getting yourself tested is important. However, patients should be aware there are big differences between a [...]
Dispelling 5 Myths About Colonoscopy Preparation
Each year, gastroenterologists in the U.S. perform nearly 20 million colonoscopies. Yet that number should be higher. An estimated 40% of people who should get colonoscopies don’t, primarily out [...]
Welcome Annmarie Sagraves
Our Batavia office has as a new provider, Welcome Annmarie! Annmarie Sagraves is a board-certified Physician Assistant joining our team in Clermont. She will be working with patients in the [...]
Welcome Hanna Eckhoff
Welcome Hanna! Hanna Eckhoff, CNP joins Cincinnati GI at our Anderson office. Before becoming a Nurse Practitioner, she worked as a registered nurse in the Emergency Department and in Outpatient [...]
Welcome Dr. Gregory Lam
Cincinnati GI is pleased to announce Dr. Gregory Lam has joined our practice. He will be seeing patients at our office on Beechmont Avenue. Dr. Lam will be a great [...]
Anderson office building lands tenants, including longtime OTR firm
A new office building in Anderson Township has recently landed three tenants, including Cincinnati GI.
Cincinnati GI wishes Dr. Robert Krone Jr. a long and happy retirement
Cincinnati GI wishes Dr. Robert Krone Jr. a long and happy retirement and a thank you for all your years of service to our patients. Dr. Krone will be volunteering [...]
Anderson Endoscopy Center is Open!
New Anderson Endoscopy Center is Open! We are excited to announce Anderson Endoscopy Center is now open. Anderson Endoscopy Center is a five room Ambulatory Surgery Center that provides endoscopic [...]
New Westside Office Location
A new Westside office location has been added to CGI. Drs. David Hess and Mark Manegold are seeing patients at the brand new Mercy West Hospital in the medical office [...]
Mercy opens 2nd west side medical building
Mercy Health-Cincinnati has opened a second medical office building on the West Hospital campus in Green Township. Cincinnati GI offices part of the expansion.
Dr. Hess presented at Mercy West’s “Happy Hour”
Dr. Hess recently participated in Mercy Hospital West’s Happy Hour Presentation where he spoke about the importance of Colonoscopy screening. The interval between colonoscopy procedures depends on many various clinical, [...]
Our Anderson Office has officially moved!
Our Anderson Office has now moved to its new location on Beechmont Avenue. The new Anderson Office is still home to Dr. Ionna, Dr. Krone, Jr., Dr. Lopez, Dr. Kakarlapudi, [...]
Cincinnati GI Welcomes Dr. Said Nabhan
Cincinnati GI is happy to welcome its new physician Dr. Said Nabhan. Dr. Nabhan joined Cincinnati GI at our Anderson office where he will see patients. He will be preforming [...]
New Endoscopy Center Opening in Anderson
Cincinnati GI will be opening a new Endoscopy Center and office in Anderson on Beechmont Avenue. The new facility will house an Endoscopy Center and doctor’s offices on the ground [...]
Cincinnati GI welcomes Shannon Horvath, Nurse Practitioner, to our team
Cincinnati GI is glad to welcome Shannon Horvath as our new Nurse Practitioner for Dr. David Hess and Dr. Stephen Ionna. Shannon has 13 years of experience in the GI [...]
Cincinnati GI Transitions to Electronic Health Records
To improve your quality of care at Cincinnati GI, we are currently making the transition to Electronic Health Records, EHR. EHR is known to improve patient care by reducing medical [...]
Digestive Health Network is now Cincinnati GI
Why change the name now? Patients continue to increase their use of the internet to research providers and health information. Based upon our most recent patient satisfaction survey results, nearly [...]
Dr. Ganesh Kakarlapudi Joins Cincinnati GI
Dr. Ganesh Kakarlapudi will be joining Cincinnati GI and Dr. Bhaskar on August 1, 2010. In addition to seeing patients at our Batavia-Mercy Clermont office, he will also see patients [...]